Aplikasi kamera tembus pandang untuk Android kini menjadi aplikasi yang paling banyak dicari. Pasalnya, dengan menggunakan aplikasi ini, fungsi dari kamera ponsel akan lebih dari biasanya. Lalu, bagaimana cara download aplikasi kamera tembus pandang di Android? Mari simak penjelasannya.
Ketika kamu menggunakan kamera tembus pandang ini, kamu bakal takjub lantaran kamera ponsel tiba-tiba bisa berubah menjadi tembus pakaian dan transparan. Melalui aplikasi tersebut, kamu bisa ngerjain teman-temanmu dengan foto yang dihasilkan.
Dirangkum dari berbagai sumber, Kamis (06/12/2018), fitur tersembunyi kamera ponsel yang bisa tembus pandang ini hanya berfungsi jika kamu sudah menginstall aplikasinya.
Namun, aplikasi ini tidak terdapat di Playstore, tapi jangan khawatir karena kini ada solusinya, yakni dengan terlebih dahulu menginstal aplikasi store dari pihak ketiga, yakni 9Apps, gratis.
Berikut ini adalah cara download aplikasi kamera tembus pandang di Android:
Download Terlebih dahulu Aplikasi 9Apps
Bagi yang belum tahu, aplikasi 9Apps adalah sebuah took aplikasi yang fungsinya hampir sama dengan Google Play atau Playstore di Android. Namun, bila dibandingkan dengan Playstore, 9Apps ini termasuk sangat ringan karena filenya Cuma berukuran sekitar 3,2MB, sehingga saat mengunduhnya bisa cepat dan tidak akan membebani kapasitas memory ponsel.
Aplikasi ini selain lengkap, juga memiliki keunggulan lain, yakni semua aplikasi yang ada di took aplikasi tersebut gratis. Bahkan, aplikasi versi pro atau premium yang ada di Playstore berbayar, tapi di 9Apps ternyata bisa diunduh gratis.
Jadi, kalau kamu mendapati aplikasi berbayar di Playstore, kamu buka saja 9Apps untuk mencari aplikasi yang dimaksud agar tak perlu mengeluarkan biaya tambahan untuk mendapatkan aplikasi favoritmu.
Jika ingin membuktikannya, tentu saja kamu harus mengunduhnya terlebih dahulu. Namun, sebelum menginstal 9Apps, lakukan setingan di bawah ini terlebih dahulu, agar tidak muncul peringatan pemasanagna dicekal.
Buka menu “Setelan/Pengaturan/Settings” di ponsel Android kamu.
Pilih menu “Keamanan/Security.”
Aktifkan/centang menu “Sumber Tidak Dikenal/Unknown Source.”
Bila langkah di atas sudah kamu lakukan, selanjutnya kamu harus menginstal Aplikasi 9Apps versi terbaru ini terlebih dahulu.
Install Aplikasi 9Apps Store
Pastikan kamu berhasil ngunduh file apk dari 9Apps. Bila sudah berhasil, buka download 9apps-APK, lalu install, dan tunggu sampai proses instalasi selesai.
Install Kamera Tembus Pandang dari 9Apps Store
Langkah selanjutnya, kamu harus melakukan beberapa setingan berikut ini;
Setelah berhasil menginstall 9Apps, selanjutnya masuk settingan di 9Apps, namun sebelumnya nyalakan dulu pada pilihan “Show A-dult Contents.
Buka Aplikasi 9Apps, kemudian klik “Search,” lalu ketik “Kamera Tembus Pandang” di kolom pencarian.
Setelah itu, scroll ke bawah dan pilih aplikasi “Kamera Tembus Daleman,” kemudian klik “Download” untuk mengunduhnya. Jika sudah selesai, lalu “Install” dan tunggu sampai proses selesai.
Sebagai catatan, jika aplikasi ini belum work sepenuhnya, coba teliti lagi dan pastikan tak ada langkah install yang salah. Selain itu, periksa Aplikasi 9Apps, lalu cek apakah sudah muncul pembaruan aplikasi ini. Bila sudah ada versi terbarunya, maka kamu harus perbarui aplikasi tersebut supaya bisa work 100 persen.
Jika muncul peringatan membahayakan perangkat saat mendownload, abaikan saja. Kamu tak perlu khawatir karena aplikasi ini aman. Peringatan tersebut wajar sebagai pesan yang muncul secara otomatis ketika ponsel Android mengunduh aplikasi (APK) bukan dari Play Store.
Selamat mencoba ya, tapi jangan disalah gunakan. Apabila usia kamu masih di bawah 17+ tahun, sebaiknya jangan coba-coba mengunduh aplikasi ini karena ini termasuk aplikasi untuk orang dewasa!
4 Aplikasi Kamera Tembus Pandang di Smartphone
Seperti diberitakan sebelumnya, aplikasi kamera tembus pandang di smartphone dengan kemampuan mampu menembus yang menghalanginya, tentu banyak dicari terutama kaum pria. Tapi untuk wanita, sudah dipastikan aplikasi tersebut akan dihujat pasalnya bisa melanggar privasi.
Dengan kemampuan seperti itu, aplikasi tersebut menjadi tren bahkan banyak diburu. Banyak pihak pengembang yang menawarkan Aplikasi kamera tembus pandang di smartphone. Namun, HR Online akan memberikan pilihan yang terbaik, seperti dirangkum dari berbagai sumber.
# Moosejaw X-Ray
Moosejaw X-Ray dikembangkan oleh Photo dan Imaging by Marxent Labs. Untuk memasang atau mengunduh aplikasi ini Anda harus mencarinya di situs pencari apk (aplikasi khusus Android), karena di Google Play Store tidak tersedia.
Moosejaw X-Ray bisa tembus pakaian yang dipakai orang lain. Namun aplikasi ini bisa beroperasi jika kamera yang ada di smartphone diarahkan ke foto atau gambar yang ada di majalah buatan Moosejaw. Jadi Anda dapat langsung melihat pakaian dalam yang dikenakan oleh model di majalah tersebut.
Sehingga jika ingin menggunakan aplikasi ini, Anda terlebih dulu harus berlangganan majalah buatan Moosejaw.
# Body Scanner Prank
Seperti namanya, aplikasi ini mampu melihat kerangka atau tulang yang ada di dalam tubuh. Dengan adanya aplikasi Body Scanner Prank, Anda dapat menjaili teman serta dapat melihat apa yang ada di dalam tubuh teman Anda.
# Xray Scanner Prank
Aplikasi kamera tembus pandang di smartphone selanjutnya ada Xray Scanner Prank. Tidak ada yang berbeda dengan Body Scanner Prank, yang sama-sama bisa mengetahui semua kerangka tubuh.
Cara memakainya cukup arahkan kamera utama ke tubuh yang akan dilihat, kemudian buka aplikasinya dan memiringkan ponselnya sesuai selera Anda.
# Xray Scanner Camera
Aplikasi ini dapat dipakai untuk mengetahui semua bagian yang ada di dalam tubuh, seperti yang ada di dada, kaki, badan dan lainnya.
What Is Public Health?_EPA
Declares Public Health Emergency_Communities especially need to be encouraged to observe simple procedures
that will keep the larger population healthy. The basic idea of public health
is to maintain a well catered for system to provide protective as well as
treatment plans to maintain healthy lifestyles. This is through research,
injury management as well as protection against possible dangers to a healthy
Through research, experts will on their side make an analysis of genetic
health, environmental maintenance. They will also encourage positive personal
choices to ensure that people are well informed on certain dangers that could
engulf them. With this, the US government facilitates programs that will ensure
the health of families is well maintained.
All in all the reason we have public health departments is to ensure that
the entire population is well catered for. This is to protect them from
possible harm such as communicable diseases from poor environment. The entire
population of the country is well catered for through smaller community
initiatives that are maintained through the local councils. This is one way
that the public health system is to be kept alive and robust to lookout for a
healthy society.
The main struggle for public health professionals is to keep people informed
of various dangers that could engulf them. They take responsibility to ensure
that the educational facilities are kept on record and early warning systems
are put in place. With this, the monitoring is done on a regular basis. This is
in line to ensure that in case an outbreak is in the offing, they are able to
quickly contain it and put in place research methods and mitigate the situation
before it gets out of control.
The public health of the United States relies on strict and workable
policies to ensure that service are well administered. The regulation of health
systems is the crucial task that they should be able to take care of the
communities. As a matter of fact, some communities do have poor people who are
not able to afford insurance for them and their families. That is why the
mitigation structures ensure that these kinds of policies are made clear.
The larger part of the community does undergo some difficult moments that
need to be carefully analyzed. They should be able to take care of reducing
such disparities that characterize the achievement of public health. The main
thing is to ensure that is a working equity program that provides quality and
accessible health care for all.
Emergency Disaster Preparedness - Preparing For Public Health Emergences
Public health emergencies are caused as result of threats such as storms,
tornadoes and power outages and also may be of biological, chemical, or
radiological disasters. Although each one is different and requiring unique
responses, preparing and learning about public health emergences can help equip
and protect your family.
Threats strike when they are not expected and because of this, preparation
is the way forward in this kind of disaster. Families may or may not be in the
same place when this happens. Planning together as a family is a step ahead of
time. Looking at how you intend to communicate when an emergence happens and
types of disasters common in your area and what each member should do is very
You might consider keeping some essential supplies on hand for emergences
for example drinking water, dry or canned food, a battery-powered radio,
flashlight and batteries, first aid supplies, prescription medication, special
items for babies and members of the family who have special needs. Check these
from time to time to make sure that the expiry date for your supplies such as
foods has not passed and things like batteries and flashlights are in working
Learning more about these disasters, diseases, treatments and how these may
affect your family is a big step. Government web sites are a very good source
of information on public health threats or emergences. You may also ask your
employer, school and day care facility whether they have developed emergency
plans. Contacting your local heath department can help you get involved and
learn more about community planning efforts.
Should an emergency arise, always be alert by tuning in to your television
and radio news stations for emergence messages and important safety
instructions from government authorities. Officials on the news give
instructions on where emergence sites are located and how to get there and who
should go. During this time, it is very important that you bring for each
family member medical records that contain picture id, current medications and
allergies and current age and weight.
Read up on key terms such as isolation, quarantine, sheltering-in-place and
evacuation. Training a family member in CPR/First Aid is quiet helpful. It is
better late and ready by 5pm today than be caught unawares by noon tomorrow.
Asbestos - EPA
Declares Public Health Emergency
In June 2009, thе
federal Environmental Protection Agency, EPA, invoked powers granted іt іn 1980
fоr thе fіrѕt time, аnd declared а public health emergency. Thе cause: asbestos
аnd thе diseases it's caused іn twо northwest Montana towns. In Libby аnd Troy
Montana, mоrе thаn 500 people аrе sick frоm asbestos related diseases,
including asbestosis, lung cancer, аnd mesothelioma, а rare form оf cancer
caused bу inhalation оf fibers.
Thе twо towns'
populations total аbоut 3900 people, mаnу оf whо worked іn thе vermiculite mіnе
іn Libby. Vermiculite іѕ а vеrу lightweight mineral uѕеd іn insulation, аnd іt
соntаіnѕ asbestos. In thе соurѕе оf mining аnd processing it, thе tiny fibers
bесоmе airborne, аnd workers аnd town residents inhaled them. Contaminated dust
аnd fibers deposited оn workers' clothes, аnd wаѕ carried tо thеіr cars, homes,
аnd аnуwhеrе еlѕе thеу went.
Abоut 50 mоrе cases
оf ѕеrіоuѕ asbestos related disease аrе diagnosed еvеrу year іn Libby аnd Troy.
Asbestosis саuѕеѕ ѕеrіоuѕ impairment оf lung function, аnd lung cancer аnd
mesothelioma аrе fatal diseases. Mesothelioma іѕ а vеrу slow-growing cancer,
whоѕе symptoms mау nоt bе diagnosed fоr 30 оr 40 years аftеr exposure. Bу thе
time іt іѕ diagnosed, thе victim's life expectancy mау bе measured іn months.
Bесаuѕе оf thе long delay bеtwееn exposure аnd diagnosis, it's lіkеlу thаt mаnу
mоrе cases оf mesothelioma wіll emerge іn thе coming years.
Rесеnt research hаѕ
established thаt exposure tо airborne fibers fоr аѕ lіttlе аѕ оnе оr twо months
саn lead tо thе development оf mesothelioma 30-40 years later. Thе vermiculite
mіnе іn Libby, run bу W R Grace Cо. wаѕ closed іn 1990, but long-time residents
аnd workers hаd bееn exposed fоr years, ѕоmе fоr thеіr entire lives.
Dr Alan Whitehouse,
аn epidemiologist аnd asbestos researcher, wrote rесеntlу іn thе American
Journal оf Industrial Medicine thаt thе mesothelioma epidemic іn Libby wіll
continue рrоbаblу continue tо increase, peaking іn 10 tо 20 years. Hе called іt
а vеrу ѕеrіоuѕ public health problem, аnd argued fоr greater surveillance оf
asbestos use, аnd earlier detection оf thе disease.
Thе US Department оf
Health аnd Human Services wіll grant $6 million tо thе Lincoln County health
department. Thе funds wіll cover health care fоr residents suffering frоm
related diseases thаt іѕ nоt covered bу thеіr insurance, аnd wіll pay fоr аll
medical expenses fоr workers whо аrе uninsured.
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