Aplikasi kamera tembus pandang untuk Android kini menjadi aplikasi yang paling banyak dicari. Pasalnya, dengan menggunakan aplikasi ini, fungsi dari kamera ponsel akan lebih dari biasanya. Lalu, bagaimana cara download aplikasi kamera tembus pandang di Android? Mari simak penjelasannya.
Ketika kamu menggunakan kamera tembus pandang ini, kamu bakal takjub lantaran kamera ponsel tiba-tiba bisa berubah menjadi tembus pakaian dan transparan. Melalui aplikasi tersebut, kamu bisa ngerjain teman-temanmu dengan foto yang dihasilkan.
Dirangkum dari berbagai sumber, Kamis (06/12/2018), fitur tersembunyi kamera ponsel yang bisa tembus pandang ini hanya berfungsi jika kamu sudah menginstall aplikasinya.
Namun, aplikasi ini tidak terdapat di Playstore, tapi jangan khawatir karena kini ada solusinya, yakni dengan terlebih dahulu menginstal aplikasi store dari pihak ketiga, yakni 9Apps, gratis.
Berikut ini adalah cara download aplikasi kamera tembus pandang di Android:
Download Terlebih dahulu Aplikasi 9Apps
Bagi yang belum tahu, aplikasi 9Apps adalah sebuah took aplikasi yang fungsinya hampir sama dengan Google Play atau Playstore di Android. Namun, bila dibandingkan dengan Playstore, 9Apps ini termasuk sangat ringan karena filenya Cuma berukuran sekitar 3,2MB, sehingga saat mengunduhnya bisa cepat dan tidak akan membebani kapasitas memory ponsel.
Aplikasi ini selain lengkap, juga memiliki keunggulan lain, yakni semua aplikasi yang ada di took aplikasi tersebut gratis. Bahkan, aplikasi versi pro atau premium yang ada di Playstore berbayar, tapi di 9Apps ternyata bisa diunduh gratis.
Jadi, kalau kamu mendapati aplikasi berbayar di Playstore, kamu buka saja 9Apps untuk mencari aplikasi yang dimaksud agar tak perlu mengeluarkan biaya tambahan untuk mendapatkan aplikasi favoritmu.
Jika ingin membuktikannya, tentu saja kamu harus mengunduhnya terlebih dahulu. Namun, sebelum menginstal 9Apps, lakukan setingan di bawah ini terlebih dahulu, agar tidak muncul peringatan pemasanagna dicekal.
Buka menu “Setelan/Pengaturan/Settings” di ponsel Android kamu.
Pilih menu “Keamanan/Security.”
Aktifkan/centang menu “Sumber Tidak Dikenal/Unknown Source.”
Bila langkah di atas sudah kamu lakukan, selanjutnya kamu harus menginstal Aplikasi 9Apps versi terbaru ini terlebih dahulu.
Install Aplikasi 9Apps Store
Pastikan kamu berhasil ngunduh file apk dari 9Apps. Bila sudah berhasil, buka download 9apps-APK, lalu install, dan tunggu sampai proses instalasi selesai.
Install Kamera Tembus Pandang dari 9Apps Store
Langkah selanjutnya, kamu harus melakukan beberapa setingan berikut ini;
Setelah berhasil menginstall 9Apps, selanjutnya masuk settingan di 9Apps, namun sebelumnya nyalakan dulu pada pilihan “Show A-dult Contents.
Buka Aplikasi 9Apps, kemudian klik “Search,” lalu ketik “Kamera Tembus Pandang” di kolom pencarian.
Setelah itu, scroll ke bawah dan pilih aplikasi “Kamera Tembus Daleman,” kemudian klik “Download” untuk mengunduhnya. Jika sudah selesai, lalu “Install” dan tunggu sampai proses selesai.
Sebagai catatan, jika aplikasi ini belum work sepenuhnya, coba teliti lagi dan pastikan tak ada langkah install yang salah. Selain itu, periksa Aplikasi 9Apps, lalu cek apakah sudah muncul pembaruan aplikasi ini. Bila sudah ada versi terbarunya, maka kamu harus perbarui aplikasi tersebut supaya bisa work 100 persen.
Jika muncul peringatan membahayakan perangkat saat mendownload, abaikan saja. Kamu tak perlu khawatir karena aplikasi ini aman. Peringatan tersebut wajar sebagai pesan yang muncul secara otomatis ketika ponsel Android mengunduh aplikasi (APK) bukan dari Play Store.
Selamat mencoba ya, tapi jangan disalah gunakan. Apabila usia kamu masih di bawah 17+ tahun, sebaiknya jangan coba-coba mengunduh aplikasi ini karena ini termasuk aplikasi untuk orang dewasa!
4 Aplikasi Kamera Tembus Pandang di Smartphone
Seperti diberitakan sebelumnya, aplikasi kamera tembus pandang di smartphone dengan kemampuan mampu menembus yang menghalanginya, tentu banyak dicari terutama kaum pria. Tapi untuk wanita, sudah dipastikan aplikasi tersebut akan dihujat pasalnya bisa melanggar privasi.
Dengan kemampuan seperti itu, aplikasi tersebut menjadi tren bahkan banyak diburu. Banyak pihak pengembang yang menawarkan Aplikasi kamera tembus pandang di smartphone. Namun, HR Online akan memberikan pilihan yang terbaik, seperti dirangkum dari berbagai sumber.
# Moosejaw X-Ray
Moosejaw X-Ray dikembangkan oleh Photo dan Imaging by Marxent Labs. Untuk memasang atau mengunduh aplikasi ini Anda harus mencarinya di situs pencari apk (aplikasi khusus Android), karena di Google Play Store tidak tersedia.
Moosejaw X-Ray bisa tembus pakaian yang dipakai orang lain. Namun aplikasi ini bisa beroperasi jika kamera yang ada di smartphone diarahkan ke foto atau gambar yang ada di majalah buatan Moosejaw. Jadi Anda dapat langsung melihat pakaian dalam yang dikenakan oleh model di majalah tersebut.
Sehingga jika ingin menggunakan aplikasi ini, Anda terlebih dulu harus berlangganan majalah buatan Moosejaw.
# Body Scanner Prank
Seperti namanya, aplikasi ini mampu melihat kerangka atau tulang yang ada di dalam tubuh. Dengan adanya aplikasi Body Scanner Prank, Anda dapat menjaili teman serta dapat melihat apa yang ada di dalam tubuh teman Anda.
# Xray Scanner Prank
Aplikasi kamera tembus pandang di smartphone selanjutnya ada Xray Scanner Prank. Tidak ada yang berbeda dengan Body Scanner Prank, yang sama-sama bisa mengetahui semua kerangka tubuh.
Cara memakainya cukup arahkan kamera utama ke tubuh yang akan dilihat, kemudian buka aplikasinya dan memiringkan ponselnya sesuai selera Anda.
# Xray Scanner Camera
Aplikasi ini dapat dipakai untuk mengetahui semua bagian yang ada di dalam tubuh, seperti yang ada di dada, kaki, badan dan lainnya.
Think yous demand job organization automobile insurance? Find out how to go the correct encompass for your needs.
Businessman inward a suit driving a car

A measure automobile insurance polcoolcovers your automobile for so-called social, domestic as well as personal use, which includes everyday driving such equally visiting friends, the shops or a solar daytime out.
Many policies too automatically encompass your automobile if yous commute to as well as from a regular home of work. So, if yous cause the automobile to the same part every day, or commons inward the same station automobile park, yous would live insured.
But what if yous cause to several unlike offices or function sites? Perhaps a colleague regularly takes your automobile to see clients. Or perhaps yous cause hundreds of miles a calendar week for job organization purposes. If so, yous volition almost sure demand job organization automobile insurance. It is oftentimes to a greater extent than expensive than measure motor insurance, simply it is of import to go the correct encompass for your needs.
Higher premiums
Business automobile insurance is typically to a greater extent than expensive than measure encompass because a motorist who drives a vehicle for job organization equally good equally pleasance is deemed to a greater extent than risky. They volition normally encompass to a greater extent than miles, sometimes inward heavy traffic as well as on unfamiliar roads. The chances of atitle thence increase.
Don’t live tempted to prevarication inward an endeavor to convey downward the price of insurance. When yous apply for job organization automobile insurance quotes, the insurer volition inquire the common questions most your age, postcode, as well as the brand as well as model of the car.
But yous volition too take to reach details most your job organization as well as when as well as why yous cause the vehicle for work. If yous are dishonest, yous are committing an offence as well as it could invalidate your policy. Your insurance would non so pay out inward the consequence of atitle .
There are unlike classes of job organization automobile insurance cover, though the details tin reach the axe differ betwixt insurers so yous should ever cheque the damage as well as weather carefully. For example, if yous commute to function inward your car, brand certain it is covered nether the Definition of social domestic as well as pleasure, or yous volition demand to adjust additional cover.
You volition in all probability demand form 1 job organization role if yous cause your automobile to multiple sites or offices, equally good equally your common home of work
You volition in all probability demand form 1 job organization role if yous cause your automobile to multiple sites or offices, equally good equally your common home of work. Most insurers too include a husband on this type of policy, simply would non insure the automobile for job organization role for whatsoever other named driver.
The side past side grade of job organization automobile insurance by as well as large covers the policyholder as well as a named driver who uses the automobile to move betwixt unlike sites. Someone who travels extensively inward the automobile for function volition almost sure demand form iii job organization use.
Commercial automobile insurance
Business automobile insurance is non the same equally commercial automobile insurance, which is aimed primarily at motorists who role their automobile for commercial purposes such equally a taxi or to brand deliveries. Again, it is of import to recall that the definitions of the unlike classes differ betwixt insurers.
A automobile used for job organization is too non the same equally a fellowship car. If yous cause a fellowship car, it should live insured past the fellowship that owns or leases the vehicle.
Find inexpensive job organization automobile insurance quotes
Motorists normally pay to a greater extent than for job organization automobile insurance so it is peculiarly of import to attempt out to proceed costs down. One manner to salvage coin is to compare quotes from a issue of unlike insurers – as well as it’s tardily alongside MoneySuperMarket’s online automobile insurance comparing service.
You tin reach the axe too take their vehicle alongside care. Insurers home cars inward 1 of fifty groups – as well as cars inward grouping 1 tend to live the cheapest to insure.
Security is some other of import component equally a secure automobile is less probable to live stolen. You tin reach the axe oftentimes trim back your bonus if yous jibe an approved warning as well as immobiliser – as well as proceed your automobile inward a locked garage over closet.
Insurers advantage careful drivers alongside lower premiums, so attempt out non totitle unless the harm is serious. You tin reach the axe so construct upwardly a notitle s discount as well as potentially cutting the price of encompass past equally much equally 75%.
No 1 wants to pay over the handicap for job organization automobile insurance simply it is too of import to recall that the cheapest polcoolis non ever the best. You might, for example, desire to pay a petty fleck extra for to a greater extent than extensive cover
Businessman inward a suit driving a car

A measure automobile insurance polcoolcovers your automobile for so-called social, domestic as well as personal use, which includes everyday driving such equally visiting friends, the shops or a solar daytime out.
Many policies too automatically encompass your automobile if yous commute to as well as from a regular home of work. So, if yous cause the automobile to the same part every day, or commons inward the same station automobile park, yous would live insured.
But what if yous cause to several unlike offices or function sites? Perhaps a colleague regularly takes your automobile to see clients. Or perhaps yous cause hundreds of miles a calendar week for job organization purposes. If so, yous volition almost sure demand job organization automobile insurance. It is oftentimes to a greater extent than expensive than measure motor insurance, simply it is of import to go the correct encompass for your needs.
Higher premiums
Business automobile insurance is typically to a greater extent than expensive than measure encompass because a motorist who drives a vehicle for job organization equally good equally pleasance is deemed to a greater extent than risky. They volition normally encompass to a greater extent than miles, sometimes inward heavy traffic as well as on unfamiliar roads. The chances of atitle thence increase.
Don’t live tempted to prevarication inward an endeavor to convey downward the price of insurance. When yous apply for job organization automobile insurance quotes, the insurer volition inquire the common questions most your age, postcode, as well as the brand as well as model of the car.
But yous volition too take to reach details most your job organization as well as when as well as why yous cause the vehicle for work. If yous are dishonest, yous are committing an offence as well as it could invalidate your policy. Your insurance would non so pay out inward the consequence of atitle .
There are unlike classes of job organization automobile insurance cover, though the details tin reach the axe differ betwixt insurers so yous should ever cheque the damage as well as weather carefully. For example, if yous commute to function inward your car, brand certain it is covered nether the Definition of social domestic as well as pleasure, or yous volition demand to adjust additional cover.
You volition in all probability demand form 1 job organization role if yous cause your automobile to multiple sites or offices, equally good equally your common home of work
You volition in all probability demand form 1 job organization role if yous cause your automobile to multiple sites or offices, equally good equally your common home of work. Most insurers too include a husband on this type of policy, simply would non insure the automobile for job organization role for whatsoever other named driver.
The side past side grade of job organization automobile insurance by as well as large covers the policyholder as well as a named driver who uses the automobile to move betwixt unlike sites. Someone who travels extensively inward the automobile for function volition almost sure demand form iii job organization use.
Commercial automobile insurance
Business automobile insurance is non the same equally commercial automobile insurance, which is aimed primarily at motorists who role their automobile for commercial purposes such equally a taxi or to brand deliveries. Again, it is of import to recall that the definitions of the unlike classes differ betwixt insurers.
A automobile used for job organization is too non the same equally a fellowship car. If yous cause a fellowship car, it should live insured past the fellowship that owns or leases the vehicle.
Find inexpensive job organization automobile insurance quotes
Motorists normally pay to a greater extent than for job organization automobile insurance so it is peculiarly of import to attempt out to proceed costs down. One manner to salvage coin is to compare quotes from a issue of unlike insurers – as well as it’s tardily alongside MoneySuperMarket’s online automobile insurance comparing service.
You tin reach the axe too take their vehicle alongside care. Insurers home cars inward 1 of fifty groups – as well as cars inward grouping 1 tend to live the cheapest to insure.
Security is some other of import component equally a secure automobile is less probable to live stolen. You tin reach the axe oftentimes trim back your bonus if yous jibe an approved warning as well as immobiliser – as well as proceed your automobile inward a locked garage over closet.
Insurers advantage careful drivers alongside lower premiums, so attempt out non totitle unless the harm is serious. You tin reach the axe so construct upwardly a notitle s discount as well as potentially cutting the price of encompass past equally much equally 75%.
No 1 wants to pay over the handicap for job organization automobile insurance simply it is too of import to recall that the cheapest polcoolis non ever the best. You might, for example, desire to pay a petty fleck extra for to a greater extent than extensive cover
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